인생에서 가장 달콤했던 선택이 있었다면 그건, 배우라는 이름을 선택했던 바로 그 순간 이었습니다.
인생에서 가장 달콤했던 선택이 있었다면 그건, 배우라는 이름을 선택했던 바로 그 순간 이었습니다.


어쩌면 서로에게 닿을 지도 모를, 같은 마음들이 모여 있는 곳

제목 Hi from America
작성자 : sunmi 등록일 2020.04.23 조회수 8061
Hi Lee Byung Hun and all fans,
I'm so happy when registed successfully here and happy to get closer to my idol Byung Hun.
I'm from America, so that sometimes if this website can't turn to English, I have to copy and translate into English to understand what are you guys writing about.
Well, sad to hear that new movie has to wait until May to film. But be safe first. And I love to let Byung Hun know that I'm his fan from I was 14 years old. And it's been 23 years til now to love him as idol. I wish whenever he come back to USA, I'll have a chance to meet him in person.
Be safe and with love.
Sunmi Nguyen

analucrezia[2020-11-11 04:17:24]

I am Ana from Argentina, how beautiful what we feel for Mr. Lee for me is a permanent fantasy, like daydreaming. I admire him a lot. It's amazing how far we are. I also translate everything to understand, it takes me a long time to do it. Good luck Sunmi and take good care of yourself.