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제목 20th RUBEURS Full Member Recruitment Guide(Closing)
작성자 : RUBEURS 등록일 2020.08.04 조회수 23178

Hello, this is the time for the 20th Rubeurs membership renewal and application.
Please read carefully the following membership application process as well as membership rules and then apply for your membership.

1. Application period : August 5th, 2020(Wed) ~ August 18th, 2020(Tue)

2. Rubeurs Log-in period: 2020/09/01 ~ 2021/08/31

3. Method of deposit

a. Using PAYPAL - 
* Amount of deposit : 60,000WON + 4,000WON (Including paypal transfer & exchange charge)

You must select an individual transaction, no credit card, transfer in cash, transfer fee, and exchange fee are on your own. Please write your English name and Rubeurs code number in the memo.

* Name of Bank :    (Phone number: )
* Bank account number : 
* Bank branch : Nonhyeon-dong branch
* Amount of deposit : 65,000WON (Including Korean bank service charge 5,000WON.)
* Name of Receiver : 
-  Phone number : 
- Her address : 

* How to apply: First deposit application fee, then send the information required for application to Rubeurs mail (rubeurs712@nate.com) until August 20th.
* Download the attached excel file and fill it in (Please do not change the color or font size). If you do not have access to excel file, just send the following information to Rubeurs mail. 
Information required for membership application

1. leebyunghun.kr ID: the name when you are going to use for log-in to the site (not nick name) (if you are not member yet, please let us know the ID through e-mail after you become member.)
2. real name (Very Important!!!!! Please be accurate..)
3. Rubeurs Code No. (If you don't have code No., Just PASS!)
4. E-mail address
5. Telephone number (Mobile)
6. Home address including postal code
7. The date you deposit the membership fee

* Please send the required information by mail to rubeurs712@nate.com
(please enter all the required information, otherwise the approval process will be delayed)
* One person-one deposit only. Please do not wire several people’s fee altogether under one name.


Rubeurs Membership Rules for foreign fans
Founded in 12th of July 1999, [Byung-hun and RUBEURS] , the official fan club for actor Lee Byung-hun, is the meeting like a pine tree that consistently cares for and loves actor Lee Byung-hun unconditionally. We are always here for him and support his values and passion for acting; therefore we are a haven of rest for him as ever. We are always his sisters, best friends and truehearted companions. Therefore, we are [Byung-hun and RUBEURS] that is a great help to each other in the fan club.
The Bylaw of Full membership of [Byung-hun and RUBEURS]
Article 1 (An official name/title)
This organization is named [Byung-hun and RUBEURS] as the official fan club for actor Lee Byung-hun(hereinafter referred to as the “BH&Rubeurs” or “RUBEURS”).RUBEURS, as a coinage created from a ruby as his birthstone of July, means our promise having constant mind to be with him.

Article 2 (Purpose)
RUBEURS is the organization for sharing information about actor Lee Byung-hun, supporting him and sharing friendship between Members.

Article 3 (Qualification for a Full membership and Way to application)
Person who loves actor Lee Byung-hun and his performance and who cherishes meeting with people who love him, and wants to more proactively engage in the club activity as a Full membership can apply for admission as a Full membership.
1. A Full membership of RUBEURS (hereinafter referred to as the “Full membership”) is open to all without distinction of nationality, age or gender.
2. Full membership is classified into ‘Korean Full membership’ and ‘Overseas Full membership’ by her/his nationality.
3. Full membership is classified into ‘Junior membership (under the age of 20 with before her/his birthday-no voting right)’ and ‘Adult membership (over the age of 20 with after her/his birthday)’.
4. All activities in RUBEURS are centered for ‘Korean Full membership’.
5. Becoming a Full membership, all applicants shall apply ‘Membership’ in the web site (www.leebyunghun.kr) to get an approval of associated membership of RUBEURS (hereinafter referred to as the “Associated membership”).  This means that you have to confirm your identification and agree to faithfully carry out BH&Rubeurs Policies before applying qualification of Full membership.
6. Full membership shall be applied within recruitment period, but associated membership is always opened to all without any specific recruitment period.
7. Full membership shall be applied once a year (from 2nd week of Aug. to 3rd week, during the two weeks) by the notice on bulletin board in the web site and there may be special recruitment period for applying a Full membership occasionally.
8. The special recruitment for a Full membership can be conducted by convening authority of the authorized Administrative board of RUBEURS (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrative”) as one-time event only for special occasions, and it shall be finally adopted by the affirmative vote of current Full membership.
9. A valid period of a Full membership is one year (from 1st of September in the first year of qualification to 31st of August in the next year, 365days). In case of additional special recruitment, the valid period of a Full membership is same as regular recruitment (to 31st of August).
10. A Full membership must pay an annual fee for Membership annually. Korean Full membership:
     -. Junior membership (under 20years old): KRW 30,000 (No voting right).
     -. Adult membership (over 20years old): KRW 50,000 (It can be changed).
     Overseas Full membership: KRW 60,000 per each person regardless of her/his age (It can be changed).    
  [Notice for remittance]

   (1) Applicant shall use the name of a Full membership when remitting money/fees (In the event that Telebanking and Internet banking, if you use another’s name like family, it is difficult to match the name of the sender with you).
   (2) Please be sure not to write other description except the name of a Full membership (There are lots of errors in the name of the sender such as telephone number or the name of the Administrative, please check the name of remittance before transmitting).
   (3) We make it a rule to finally confirm deposit one by one by checking sender’s name in a Full membership list, therefore please do not remit the money together as proxy for many people when you deposit(Not allowed to use ‘beside ***, ## person’). However, when you got an approval from the Administrative to remit the money together in advance, it is acceptable to us. 
11. The annual fee for a Full membership is used for managing the web site(www.leebyunghun.kr) for a year, activities in RUBEURS for supporting Lee Byung-hun, operating RUBEURS, and giving a new Full membership a memento when they join the club. Other activities conducted by RUBEURS such as a regular meeting, a birthday party, a fan meeting, a group viewing are offered by collecting special fee.
12. There may not be a memento given to the membership of the year to an additional recruitment membership, therefore the annual fee for an additional Full membership can be adjusted properly.
13. After remittance of an annual fee for a Full membership, please download and fill in [Membership application] attached in notice on bulletin board in the web site, and then please send it to (rubeurs@hanmail.net) for Korean Full membership / send it to (rebeurs712@nate.com) for Overseas Full membership respectively.
14. Korean Full membership will be approved after joining Naver RUBEURS Café (http://cafe.naver.com/loverubeurs) and write down greetings (Final confirmation on a Full membership follows after an annual fee deposit, Membership application and greetings in RUBEURS Café).
15. The Administrative has right to refuse admission for the applicant in accordance with Article 5 of BH&Rubeurs Policies (Restriction clause of application).

Article 4 (Authority of Korean Full membership of RUBEURS)
1. Korean Full membership has right to speak, vote, suffrage and eligibility for election.
2. A Full membership has authority to read and write in all of bulletin board of (www.leebyunghun.kr).
3. All members of RUBEURS have priority over all the on-and off-lines activities in the exact order listed as Korean Full membership, Overseas Full membership and Associated membership and there may be a special favor to Korean Full membership according to the events.
4. Korean Full membership has authority to audit, inspect the accounting system of RUBEURS.
5. Korean Full membership has right to attend a monthly regular meeting (The second Saturday in every month – it can be adjusted according to situations).
6. A Full membership is given the permanent ID-code No. (Rubeurs ID-code No.).
7. A moment produced by RUBEURS for joining the club is sent to Full membership.

Article 5 (Authority and restriction of Overseas Full membership of RUBEURS)
1. Overseas Full membership of RUBEURS has right to read, write in all of bulletin board of (www.leebyunghun.kr).
2. Overseas Full membership has right to attend regular meetings four times a year – September (the first regular meeting in a year of membership), October (an outing), March (movie screening), and July (a regular meeting for his birthday party) + (irregular meetings such as a preview, the awards, a group viewing).
3. All members of RUBEURS have priority over all the on-and off-lines activities in the exact order listed as Korean Full membership, Overseas Full membership and Associated membership and there may be a special favor to Korean Full membership according to the events.
4. A Full membership is given the permanent ID-code No. (Rubeurs ID-code No.).
5. A moment produced by RUBEURS for joining the club is sent to a Full membership.
6. Overseas Full membership can express him or herself and propose ideas to RUBEURS, but cannot raise an objection to the Bylaw of RUBEURS.
7. Overseas Full membership doesn’t have authority to audit the accounting system, suffrage and eligibility for election.

Article 6 (Basic principle of a Full membership of RUBEURS)
1. BH&Rubeurs Policies, the Bylaw of Full membership and Rules for operation adopted by resolutions of members must be complied with.
2. A Full membership shall check and comply with notice in RUBEURS.
3. We make it a rule to use member’s real name in all activities in RUBEURS (nickname must be member’s real name or including real name on the bulletin board of the web site).
4. A Full membership shall pay consistent attention to RUBEURS and join the meetings (the on-and off-lines activities, voting, etc.).
5. Please refrain from mutual slander and invective between members and to an entertainer.
6. Please mind your manners to other members of RUBEURS and respect each other’s personality.
7. Please cooperate with us for operating RUBEURS through rational discussion and opinion coordination among members.

Article 7 (Regulations for the Administrative and a Full membership of RUBEURS –Rules for operation and Rules of punishment)
1. The Administrative announces numbers and opens to the public of Korean Full membership names in Naver Café after completing recruitment of Korean Full membership.
2. The Administrative makes notice in advance in case of having applications on a first-come-first-served basis unless there is a special reason (However, Korean Full membership will be a priority).
3. When you have advice, proposals, recommendations and any questions, shall use the bulletin board in the web site or an official e-mail address. Please refrain from sending e-mail or text messages to the Administrative personally as much as you possibly can because it can be obstruction of work.
4. All votes within RUBEURS will be conducted in Naver Café.
5. The management team is officially supported by a helper when the event is held. However, it shall be operated flexibly according to the site conditions.
6. The Administrative can give warning to members immediately without vote and post member’s name and violations on the bulletin board of the web site in the event that violation of Article 8 in BH&Rubeurs Policies(Obligation of membership) and Article 6 in this Bylaw of RUBEURS(Basic principle of a Full membership of RUBEURS).
7. The Administrative has authority to vote on members who have 3 times warning about expulsion from the membership (‘Warning’ is carried forwarded to the next term).
8. Application for the events in RUBEURS shall be applied under the name of members, and proxy with another’s name shall not be allowed without prior permission from the Administrative (However, proxy will be approved when it comes to judging an irresistible force). However, proxy is never accepted to the events on a first-come first-served basis. It shall be null and void and warned if you are caught using proxy without an approval from the Administrative.
9. We certainly need at least 24 hours' notice of cancellation on the bulletin board of the web site or email, text messages to the Administrative (Not if you cancel at least one day in advance. If you cancel after that, or if you just don't show up without any kind of notice in advance, the Administrative has authority to give you ‘Warning’. However, in the event that judging force majeure, it can be acceptable by way of exception).
10. The personal issue among members in the bulletin board of the web site shall not be publicized in any case (In spite of having solution with personal way among members, the Administrative has right to delete the posts and give warning to the persons concerned cause confusion and expand problem through raising issues on the bulletin board of the web site).
11. Prohibit obstruction of work such as getting information personally from the Administrative or his management company about presence of Lee Byung-hun to the events operated by RUBEURS, MT, regular meeting, etc.  Anybody who breaks this rule will be warned.
12. A member shall not be allowed to attend discretionally the meeting which is not registered in advance without an approval from the Administrative.  However, the Administrative has the right to approve attendance of a member accordingly at a regular meeting or the events which need to make a mobilization of people before the events begin.
13. The Administrative has the right to conduct away undeserving members who are try to attempt to enter the events or who have already made an entrance to the main events operated by RUBEURS (MT, a regular meeting for birthday party, a group viewing and a special event, etc.) or the external events with invitation only (the awards, a preview, etc.).  In this case, the Administrative has the right to vote on the expulsion of the member from RUBEURS.
14. The Administrative has the right to vote on the immediate expulsion of a member from the club in accordance with below Article 9 of BH&Rubeurs Policies (Restriction of a membership) by the level of infractions without warning when a member violates the Article. We make it a rule to confirm the expulsion of a Full membership by resolutions of whole of a Full membership.
  • Article 9 of BH&Rubeurs Policies (Restriction of a Membership)
BH&Rubeurs has the right to restrict qualification of members and take legal sanctions when the necessity arises on condition that a member violates Article 8 in BH&Rubeurs Policies (the obligations of member) or corresponds to the below clauses. An Associated membership in contravention to these clauses will no longer be allowed as a club member and a Full membership will be decided through separate rules of punishment.
     (1) An illegal use of other’s ID, Password.
     (2) Damage or injury the honor of Lee Byung-hun, BH&Rubeurs and its public image.
     (3) Impersonate the Administrative or related persons.
     (4) Change the program of BH&Rubeurs or hacking the server without authorized right from BH&Rubeurs, and discretionally change part or whole of the posts in the bulletin board of the web site, the web site itself.
     (5) Reproduce information through this site without an approval of BH&Rubeurs, use this information on communication industry including publication and broadcasting or provide 3rd party with this information.
     (6) Post vulgar or lustful information, sentence, a figure, an audio file, movie against public morals and order in the bulletin board of the web site, email or spread these using other method to others.
     (7) Transmit or post contents which have possibility of encroaching honor or privacy of others since it is about insulting remarks or personal issues, or email or spread these using other method to others.
     (8) Slander, harass, threaten other users or aggrieve a specific user consistently.
     (9) Collect and save personal profile of other users without an approval from BH&Rubeurs.
     (10) Activities which are judged objectively to be related to crime.
     (11) Offenses of BH&Rubeurs Policies and condition of utilization including this Bylaw.
     (12) Violation of other relevant Act and subordinate statute.
     (13) An insincere member didn’t access the web site for a year.

Article 8 (Withdrawal and expulsion of a Full membership)
1. The withdrawal of a Full membership is allowed to all upon their wishes.
2. The expulsion of a Full membership shall be adopted by resolutions of Full memberships for the reasons stated below:
    (1) A member who has warnings more than 3 times due to rejection of BH&Rubeurs Policies and the Bylaw of RUBEURS.
    (2) A member needs to be decided to be dropped from the club due to violation of Article 6 & 7 in this Bylaw.
    (3) A member who was dropped off the club has the right to give evidence of the behavior if a member wants to.
    (4) Vote on the expulsion of a Full membership is confirmed by resolutions of one-half of voters.  

Article 9 (Structure and election procedures of the Administrative of RUBEURS)
1. The Administrative consists of 2 people including general affairs.
2. Confirmed by the secret ballot through Naver Café.
3. The winner and the second winner of voting are elected as the Administrative.
4. A manager of general affairs operates the Administrative, financial management of the club as well. The vote for general affairs is along with voting for the Administrative and the winner of voting is elected as a manger of general affairs.
5. The voting period of the Administrative. -. Recommendation for candidate for 5days of 2nd week of July every year
-. Voting of the Administrative for 5 days of 3rd week of July every year
(Above all is posted in the bulletin board of the web site and sent to each member through email or text messages.)
6. A recommendee has to express clearly intention of election within 5 days of registration period in the bulletin board of the web site.
7. A recommendee from the Administrative who expressed her/his intention to resign shall be excluded without delay in the eligible list.
8. When a position of the Administrative is vacated during its term, the vacant position will be filled through voting based on agreement from a Full membership (However, please respect opinion of the remained Administrative in case of the rest of its term of office is less than 2 months).The term of office of the Administrative elected to fill a vacancy is the remainder of the term of office of his/her predecessor.
9. The term of office of the management elected through a by-election shall be determined by the remainder of her predecessor’s term and shall be deemed to have completed her one-year term. If the remained term of office is under 6months, the management team will not receive any benefits of the management team, but if it is more than 6 months, they will get benefits.
10. When the election frauds happens during the voting period for the Administrative, the second/next winner of voting in the candidates shall be elected as the Administrative automatically. If there are openings in the Administrative after voting, the vacant position will be elected by revote from a membership.
11. If the result of voting for the Administrative is a tie, there will be another vote (A revote period will be open for 3days only).

Article 10 (The term of office of the Administrative of RUBEURS)
1. The term of office of the Rubeurs management team shall be one year. (Reappointment of the Administrative shall be limited one time only. However, in case of 2years consecutive terms of office including the first year of the term, the Administrative can be recommended again after 1year from their last day of the Administrative).
2. The term of office of the Administrative is from the 1st of August to 31st of July in the next year.

Article 11 (Obligations and Benefits of the Administrative of RUBEURS)
1. Shall observe BH&Rubeurs Policies and the Bylaw of RUBEURS.
2. Be sure to do their duties of managing and operating the bulletin board of the web site and data of RUBEURS.
3. Contribute to a better mutual interact among Lee Byung-hun, relevant companies and members of RUBEURS, take overall responsibility for operating RUBEURS.
4. When using power and right of the Administrative, be sure to be more cautious and don’t violate the Bylaw of RUBEURS.
5. Respect opinions of members and operate RUBEURS for the majority profit.
6. All data taken during the term as the Administrative must belong to RUBEURS, not privately owned.
7. The previous Administrative shall hand over all data (all stuff including movie, picture, memento, etc. and the original properties) to the next Administrative or the management company.
8. When conflicts and issues arise among the Administrative, it shall be solved within the Administrative internally. In case of external issues, the Administrative shall find solutions through agreements from the bulletin board of the web site and the regular meeting.
9. No charge of the annual fee of a Full membership for the Administrative during its term of office.
10. After serving their term as the Administrative, they will be given a present equivalent to KRW 100,000 per 1year term or KRW 150,000 per 2years term. However, in case of voluntary resignation or the expulsion from the club, there shall not be a present to them.

Article 12 (Qualification of candidate for the Administrative of RUBEURS)
1. Korean Full membership over 20years old having more than 3years registered and consecutive activities in RUBEURS.
2. Not a current operating person of other entertainer regardless of their official name.
3. Members can proactively attend the regular meetings of RUBEURS and each event, and can manage the web site for their term.

Article 13 (Resignation and impeachment of the Administrative of RUBEURS)
1. Resignation of the Administrative is free by their wishes at any time. However, before resignation, the replacement or successor shall be in place and take responsibility of completing the change-over.
2. There may be an impeachment of the incumbent Administrative if they do not do their duties properly such as behaviors against public morals as the Administrative or intentionally give damages to RUBEURS.  In the event that the person who is at the center of the controversy has right to give evidence of the behavior to members through the bulletin board of the web site and the regular meetings if she/he wants to.
3. An impeachment arose shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority (one-half) of voters.

Article 14 (Accounting and finance)
1. Finance of RUBEURS is obtained with an annual fee of a Full membership per each term/period and other revenue.
2. The fiscal year of RUBEURS is same the term of a Full membership as from 1st of September to 31st of August in the next year.
3. The annual fee of a Full membership shall be adopted by resolutions of Members through voting in compliance with opinion of members.
4. The Administrative shall announce expenditure of over KRW 1,000,000 per each case on the bulletin board of the web site to a Full membership and report the results.

Article 15 (Closing accounts and audit)
1. An Administrative of general affairs of RUBEURS has obligation to be audited with an account book, a receipt and a bankbook twice a year on the regular meeting (January, June).
2. A bank statement of transaction history shall be posted in the bulletin board of the web site twice a year (End of July, end of December).
3. All receipts and the statement after the events with expenditure shall be reported to a Full membership through notice in the bulletin board of the web site.

Article 16 (Revision of the Bylaw of RUBEURS and principle of the vote)
1. In the event that requests for revision, new legislation, an abolition of the Bylaw of RUBEURS, after collecting opinion from a Full membership through the bulletin board of the web site, shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of voters.
2. A proposed revision of the Bylaw shall be posted for a week after proposal, and voted for 5 days, and then the results of the voting are without delay announced to members.
3. The revised Bylaw announced the date of enforcement, and it will be effective from that day.
4. If the revision is confirmed, the old version of the Bylaw is invalid immediately from the date of enforcement.
5. Situation not described or proposed in the Bylaw of RUBEURS can be made up by resolutions of Rules of operation by the Administrative.
6. All votes in RUBEURS shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of voters.
7. The rules of operation can be determined without voting of Full memberships by comments in the bulletin board of the web site or the regular meeting upon the decision of the Administrative.

Article 17 (A Code of conduct & Principle of financial sponsorship for the actor, BH Lee.)
1. The Administrative of Rubeurs can do a supporting event with fund raising activities from Full membership of Rubeurs in case there is supporting activity for the actor, BH Lee.
2. When you donate the sponsorship money, you can use your name or an anonymous donor.
3. The Administrative of Rubeurs post the total amount of the sponsorship money without name of supporters on the Rubeurs website when donations came in.
4. The Administrative must post details of use on supporting activities within 1 week after use of the sponsorship money.
첨부파일 :

Sindy Kao[2020-08-06 23:19:44]

제가 한국계좌 있어서
"입금 은행 : 우체국(논현동지점) 104661-02-063766 안미경"로 입급하려면 금액은 60000원 맞습니까?

RUBEURS[2020-08-07 08:19:34]

Sindy Kao님,
네. 그렇습니다.

RUBEURS[2020-08-13 10:39:07]

위 공지 글에 써있듯이 우체국으로 입금하실 때는
60,000원+수수료5,000원을 입금하셔야합니다.

[2022-09-01 01:50:25]