인생에서 가장 달콤했던 선택이 있었다면 그건, 배우라는 이름을 선택했던 바로 그 순간 이었습니다.
인생에서 가장 달콤했던 선택이 있었다면 그건, 배우라는 이름을 선택했던 바로 그 순간 이었습니다.


어쩌면 서로에게 닿을 지도 모를, 같은 마음들이 모여 있는 곳

작성자 : Nancy Miyoshi 등록일 2009.02.16 조회수 4567

You are so very welcome for all that, you have done. Thank you very much for replying to my message. I am very happy to meet you. I am also very happy now that LBH - Rubeurs site is now current and can be upgraded on a regular basis’s.

I am excited for you that you will be able to have lunch with LBH. It is one of the simple peasures of life we look forward to experiencing.

I am currently teaching myself to speak and read Korean: this is now a slower process, nevertheless with this site it is an encouraging one to keep practicing my Korean.

I understand some Japanese but can not read it. I should have ask my mother to teach me this... LOL

Once again thank you and I look forward to seeing LBH-Rubeurs growth..

Kuri ^.^